
ALYABIEV Alexander (A-31)

15/08/1787, Tobolsk, Russia - 06/03/1851, Moscow, Russia

Russian composer, pianist, conductor. Outstanding melodist and master of vocal lyrics. He spent his childhood in Tobolsk, where his father was Governor. From a young age he showed creative talent (first works published in 1810). The participant of Napoleonic wars (1812-1814). He joined the hussar regiment as a volunteer, participated in many battles and actions of guerrilla groups, was wounded and awarded orders of merit. In 1823 he retired with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. In 1825 he was arrested on a dubious charge of murder, in 1828 exiled to Siberia, then transferred to the Caucasus, later to the southern Urals. From the mid-1840s he lived in Moscow. He made a great contribution to Russian music. He is the author of 7 operas, a ballet, several vaudeville operas, choirs to the prologue "Triumph of the muses" for the opening of the Bolshoi theatre (1825), as well as symphonic and instrumental works. Especially noteworthy is the vocal work of A. Alyabiev (more than 150): he introduced Russian romance to the themes of high civil sounding, the ideas of patriotism and freedom. He made significant contribution to the domestic chamber and instrumental music also.  

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