B-13/3. Commemorative medal "M.A.Balakirev" (1984)


Head en face

М.А.БАЛАКИРЕВ 1837-1910

Medalier's mark "ИК" on the right shoulder 


"ИСЛАМЕЙ" / "ТАМАРА" / "РУСЬ" / "КОРОЛЬ ЛИР" [names of Balakirev's compositions]

Lyra at the top

Leaves ornamentation at both sides


2 probe medals were made in 1984 (pic. ## 1,2) ; 400 medals were issued in 2004 (pic. ##3,4). The visual difference between them is the presence of St.Petersbourg's mintmark at the bottom of the reverse. 


Article: B-13/3
Type: Commemorative medal
Year: 1984/2004
Country: USSR/Russian Federation
Mint: Leningrad mint / St.Petersbourg mint
Designer: KOMSHILOV Igor (b.1929)
Metal: Bronze
Diameter: 37,0 mm / 38,5 mm
Edge: plain
Circulation: 2 / 400

Reference: Kokarev_Salykov: Russian & Soviet musicians in Medal Art, Moscow, 2016 (Б-2/3)