B-47/2. 40 years since foundation of the Christiania Singing Society commemorative medal (1887)


Head to the left

JOH. D. BEHRENS SANGFORENINGENS STIFTER OG DIRIGENT [Founder and conductor of the Singing Society]

Medalier's mark at the cut of the neck: IV. THRONDSEN


Harp inside laurel wreath

HANDELSSTANDENS SANGFORENING [The Singing Society of commerce] 1847 CHRISTIANIA 1887




Article: B-47/2
Type: Commemorative medal
Year: 1887
Country: Norway
Designer: THRONDSEN Ivar (1853-1932)
Metal: Bronze, Gold plated, Silver
Diameter: 40,0 mm

Est. Value: $360 - 450
Reference: Niggl #290