B-69/22. Commemorative medal "Berlioz - Requiem" (1969)


Head with colar 1/2 to the right


1803 - 1869

In spiral: MORS STUPEBIT ET NATURA CUM RESURGET CREATURA JUDICANTE RESPONSURA [Death and nature will freeze, when the creation will rise again give the judge an answer (words from "Requiem")]



R / E / Q / U / I / E / M

In left spiral: LIBER SCRIPTUS PROFERETUR IN QUO TOTUM CONTINETUR UNDE MUNDUS JUDICETUR. [The book of life opens, containing everything, by what the world will be judged]

In right spiral: JUDEX ERGO CUM SEDEBIT QUIDQUID LATET APPAREBIT NIL INULTUM REMANEBIT [And now, when the judge sits down, everything secret will be revealed, nothing will go unpunished]

Article: B-69/22
Type: Commemorative medal
Year: 1969
Country: Czechoslovakia
Designer: KOLARSKY Zdenek (b.1931)
Metal: Bronze
Diameter: 200 mm

Reference: Niggl #2628