C-19/11. Commemorative medal "Enrico Caruso" (w/d)



Half-lenght portrait to the left

Medalier's name at left: PARÈS

Mint name at right: VASCO NUNO


ENRICO CARUSO / 1884: COMEÇA A CANTAR EM CORO / 1894: ESTRÉIA-SE NO TEATRO NOVO, EM NÁPOLES / 1898: CONSEGUE O PRIMEIRO TRIUNFO EM MILÀO / 1899/1903: CANTA NA EUROPA E NA AMÉRICA DO SUL / 1903: PRIMEIRO APARECIMENTO NA METROPOLITAN  OPERA / HOUSE, DE NOVA YORK / 1903/21: PRIMEIRO TENOR NA METROPOLITAN [1884: Start to sing in a chorus. 1894: In the Theatre Novo in Naples. 1898: The first triumph in Milan. 1899/1903: Sings in Europe and Americas. 1903: The first appearance in Metropolitan Opera, New York. 1903/1921: Leading tenor in Metropolitan]

NASCEU EM NÁPOLES / 1873 [Born in Naples]

MORREU EM / 1921 [Died in]

Article: C-19/11
Type: Commemorative medal
Year: w/d
Country: Portugal
Designer: NUNO Vasco, PARES
Metal: Bronze
Diameter: 78,0 mm
Circulation: 500

Reference: Niggl #2719