Снимок экрана 2021-12-31 в 14.58.12

CORADINI Francesco (C-79)

17/02/1881, Arezzo, Italy – 24/08/1972, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy

Italian musician, musicologist and priest. Ordained a priest on 15 August 1903, passionate about music, he followed the teachings of monsignor Raffaele Casimiri, of whom in 1908 he took the place as maestro Di cappella in the Cathedral of Perugia. In 1916 he graduated in composition at the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome, having in commission, among others, Casimiri and Refice, after also obtaining a diploma in Gregorian chant. Considered modernist by the bishop of Arezzo Giovanni Volpi, he was forced to carry out his activity outside the diocese as a composer, organist and choir director, requested by several parties. In 1916 monsignor Casimiri called him as organist and as his vice-teacher in the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano until 1920, when he was recalled to Arezzo by the new bishop Emanuele Mignone, who appointed him maestro Di cappella of the Cathedral. For over forty years Coradini carried out his work in the Diocese of Arezzo, demonstrating skills as a composer, choir master and musicologist, as well as a scholar of history and sacred art.

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