EHRENCHPRMEISTER PROF.CARL FÜHRICH [Honorary Master Professor Carl Fuhrich]
Half-lenght portrait 1/2 to the right
Medallist's initials at left above the shoulder: R.M.
Emblem of the Austrian Railways choir
GESTIFTET - ANLÄSSLICH / DER 75 JAHRFEIER / DES GESANGVEREINES / ÖSTERREICHISCHER EISENBAHN- / BEAMTEN IN WIEN / FÜR BESONDERE VERDIENSTE / UM DAS SANGESWESEN / 7.OCTOBER 1954 [Donated on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the singing association of Austrian Railway officials in Vienna for special services to singing. October 7, 1954]
The avers of this medal is included in the plaque placed on the house at the corner of Vienna's Waaggasse and Scheffergasse streets.